Big Announcement!

As some may know, I’ve worked at The Muse Writers Center for years as a youth fiction teacher, and it has been some of the most rewarding work I have ever done. Working with young creative writers is a constant reminder of how incredible young minds are, and how important it is to give them safe spaces to find their voices.

I am thrilled to announce that this year, my role with the Muse Writers Center has advanced to The Muse Youth Program Coordinator, which has given me the opportunity to be involved in every aspect of community outreach the muse offers to support creative youth.

The teenagers I get to work with are incredible. I have a student who is near completion on their first novel at only seventeen years old. I have students working on novels in verse, and poets who challenge conventional poetry formats in ways most adults would be too intimidated to try. That’s one of the most incredible parts of working with young creatives–they come from a place of hope and excitement that the world, specifically the literary world, often crushes over time. Their excitement and bravery constantly inspire me, and hopefully, in the long run, I can inspire them a little too.

Our 2021 Fellows at the Hampton Roads Writers Conference.

That’s my big news for this Quarter. I hope to serve this vibrant youth community well! The best part of this program is that this Spring and Summer, we’ve managed to offer our youth classes and events for free. Finances should never be a limitation and I am so proud to be part of community that can offer their resources to everyone.

Of course, I’m still writing my novels in the background. I’ll will never stop. I love it too much, and when I’m surrounded by these amazing young minds, I am reminded of why I started writing children’s literature in the first place.

Young Writers deserve good stories, and safe place to create their own. I am honored to have the opportunity to help provide both.

Keep writing Friends,