Stories & Such

As a little girl, I would sit in my room and write stories.

Doesn’t every writer?

I would choose writing over friends and television. I would write poetry, songs and stories. I loved it so much I didn’t think to consider it a career. It was something I did for fun. I read everything  I could get my hands on, any genre written for any age.  If words were woven into a story, I wanted to know what the story said.

I sat down to write a short story and it turned into my first novel,  Mercy Killers Mercy Killers went on to win the YA Molly award, the Daphne Du Maurier award, The Emma Merritt award, the YA contest, and placed in the Great Expectations contest, the Joyce Henderson contest, and many others.

I am currently working on three other novels (sorry, they’re a secret!). Check out my author website,  for more information.

Are you a teen writer? I highly recommend The Muse Writer’s Center, an online and in person writer’s resource that offer classes, workshops, and writerly events. I’ve been working with their teen programs for years, including the Teen Fellowship Program, and I can’t say enough positive things about this writing center’s resources.



P.s – Take a look at my Author page here.