The Truth Project by Dante Medema

Oh, the beauty of fall. Cozy evenings, apple cider, orange leaves.

Speaking of orange leaves, check out this beautiful book: The Truth Project by Dante Medema.

As pretty as the cover is, it doesn’t do justice to the story inside. It’s THAT good.

The Truth Project follows Cordelia, a teenage Alaskan poet struggling with the age old question Who am I? as she accidentally stumbles across a family secret when her Genequest results reveal the man who raised her isn’t quite the man she thought.

Best of all, it’s written in verse. An entire book written in poetry!  Check out this sample from the first page:

I am obsessed.

Before I go on, I need to admit something: I’m one of those DNA kids. You know, the people who accidentally find their biological family online? Yep. That’s me.

Because of my experience, Cordelia’s story hit me in one of the softest, most protected parts of my heart. Maybe that’s why I loved it so much. Maybe.

But really, I think my love for this novel is a testimony to the beauty and rawness of Cordelia’s emotional arc. Verse novels are hard—I’ve written a POV in verse, it’s one of the most difficult things I’ve tackled—but in The Truth Project, Cordelia’s story isn’t held back by the unconventional format. Instead, the story is better because of the verse. Every word holds weight. Every line has a punch. The pages read like the wishes we’ve all made in our quietest moments—heartfelt, tender, and authentic.

Despite my obvious emotional attachment to Cordelia discovering her DNA surprise, there were other parts of this book I loved just as much. Sana, Cordelia’s best friend, is an absolute firecracker in all the best ways. The complex relationship between Cordelia and her sister, Bea, is relatable. Kodiak Jones, the bad boy love interest (is he really a bad boy though?) is my favorite love interest this year.

Yeah, I said it. My FAVORITE. Kodiak Jones deserves a fan club.

The best part of this book is the way it leaves you. Happy, a little bruised, yet warm and fuzzy on the inside. Positivity is something we all need, especially this year, and this story is a tough journey that ends with Cordelia in a gut-wrenching, yet better place.

If you’re looking heartwarming story that’s got something new to offer, read The Truth Project. As I give this book five stars, I wish I could give it more.

Keep writing everyone,